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  • 湖州 | 10年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



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    其他 | 500-999人
    发布于 10-16
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    【岗位职责】 1、向总经理负责,协助总经理完成酒店的经营指标和工作任务。 2、协助总经理接待重要贵宾,建立良好的公共关系,广泛听取和收集宾客的意见,处理投诉,改进工作。 3、深入营业部门,检查各项接待工作情况。 4、协助总经理协调酒店各部门之间的关系。 5、协助总经理对各部门主要管理人员进行考核、评估。 6、审定公关宣传、对外营销、开拓客源市场计划,以及审定部门业务计划的实施细则,并督导这些计划的实施。 7、开展调查研究,分析酒店经营管理情况,收集同行业和市场信息,制订客源市场的开发计划。 8、督导公关营销部制订月度、季度、年度工作计划、营销方案、营销目标等。 【岗位要求】 1大专以上学历,旅游、酒店管理专业为佳。 2 从事4星级酒店工作10年以上,具有5年以上相关高层管理工作经验。 3 熟悉酒店各部门服务及管理流程,善于成本控制。 4 具有良好的协调沟通、管理和团队建设能力,事业心强。
  • 杭州 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    健康管理/体检 | 500-999人
    发布于 10-16
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    1. 菜单设计与计划:负责与主厨合作,设计和计划冷菜菜单。根据季节和餐厅的需求,选择新鲜的食材,确保菜单的多样性和协调性。 2. 食材准备:负责选购、清洗和处理所需的食材。要求对蔬菜、水果、海鲜等食材有深入的了解,以确保食材的新鲜和质量。 3. 食材储存:负责按照规定的方法和条件储存食材,确保它们保持最佳的状态和口感。 4. 菜品制作:根据菜单的要求,准备和制作各种类型的冷菜。可以包括沙拉、凉菜、开胃菜和小吃等。熟练掌握刀工技巧,确保食材的精细处理。 5. 装饰和摆盘技巧:负责将制作好的菜品进行艺术性的装饰和精心的摆盘。通过使用不同的色彩、形状和材料营造美观的菜品。 6. 卫生和安全:遵循相关的卫生和安全规定,确保工作区域的清洁和食品的安全。必须了解和遵守食品安全标准和操作规程,确保食品质量和顾客的健康安全。 7. 菜品推销和销售:能够向顾客准确描述菜品的特点和口味,为顾客提供专业的建议和推荐。 8. 与其他部门合作:与厨师团队、服务员和其他部门密切合作,确保菜品的交付时间和顾客的满意度。 9. 工作记录和报告:及时记录所使用的食材和材料的消耗情况,并向直属上级提交日常的工作报告。 10. 持续专业发展:通过参加培训课程和学习新的菜品制作技巧,不断提高自己的技能和知识水平。
  • 三亚 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
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    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    主要负责景区/乐园产品的运营、安全、对客服务、员工培训及处理客诉的工作。 【主要职责】 - 负责景区/乐园产品的运营和推广,提高产品知名度和销售额; - 负责景区/乐园人员的管理和培训,确保他们具备良好的服务意识和专业技能; - 负责景区/乐园产品的安全维护和处理,确保游客的安全; - 负责景区/乐园客户的接待和服务,提高客户满意度; - 负责景区/乐园产品的售后服务和处理客诉,确保客户的满意度; - 参与景区/乐园产品的市场调研和数据分析,提出产品改进建议; - 遵守景区/乐园的相关规定和制度,确保景区/乐园的运营安全和良好秩序。 【职位要求】 - 大专以上学历,具备一定的相关工作经验,景区运营经验者优先; - 熟悉景区/乐园的运营模式和规律,具有较强的沟通协调能力和团队管理能力; - 具有较强的抗压能力和应变能力,能够应对工作中的挑战和困难; - 具备良好的服务意识和职业道德,能够为客户提供满意的服务。
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 本科



    • 包吃包住
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    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    Job Summary 职位简述 Assist marketing activities related to Hotel 协助度假区相关的营销活动。   Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 Assist the roll out of media and marketing plans 协助经理对于媒介和市场计划做实行 Ensure brand standards and identity are upheld in all activities (own and third party) . 在内部和第三方的活动中保持品牌标准和形象 Support public relations with information and updates to maximize PR opportunities 更新度假区信息,以支持、扩大公关机会 Support manager to develop collaterals to support business and products 协助乐园市场营销经理监管宣传物料的设计和制作,以支持各业态以及产品 Support Attraction Commercial with collateral requirement, images, logos, electronic materials 支持乐园中心需要的印刷品、图片、品牌标志、电子宣传物料 Maintain awareness of competitor activities in market 保持市场竞争意识 Liaise with external agency for collaterals artwork。 To seek approval from Attraction MKT/PR Manager and above to ensure delivery 联络外部机构,制作物料、图稿, 向市场经理以及以上取得批准,以保证交付。 Abide by the contract and financial process of the company, assist to process the signing and payment to external agencies 遵照公司的合约和财务流程, 协助对外部机构的合约签署和付款申请 Collate ROI reports for promotional activities and media placement 整理促销和媒体活动的投资回报信息, 整理成报告。 Assist with activities required by Attraction Marketing Manager including ad hoc promotions, presentations 协助上级领导所要求的任何活动,包括促销、演示等。
  • 三亚 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    Manage Avenue overall beverage, assist Resort beverage operation, in charge Ossiano Underwater Restaurant and Bread Street Kitchen beverage, to assist management in running the outlet ensuring maximum guest satisfaction, consistent standards, through planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the wine operation and administration. 主要管理美食大道餐饮点的整体全部酒水事宜,协助酒店主楼餐饮点,并主要负责奥西亚诺海底餐厅及Bread Street Kitchen餐厅的酒水事项,通过规划,组织,指导和控制葡萄酒方面运营和管理,协助管理人员运行店面,确保客人满意度达到最高,标准一致。
  • 三亚 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    Job Summary 职位简述 To Assist Front Office Manager to oversee the front desk and back-office operation, lobby, coordinates and monitor that all guests arrival, departure and in-house experiences are as per resort standards 协助前厅经理监督前台和后台办公室的运作,大堂协调和监督所有客人的到达,离开和得到入住的体验是依照度假标准的。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 Adhere to all Resort rules and regulations as per Service Standard Policies and procedures 坚持所有酒店规章按照服务标准的政策和程序操作。 Ensure the reception team work with a sales focused attitude and are aware of sales opportunities within the resort which will assist with the maximization of revenue. 确保前台接待以专注的态度接待客人,并了解酒店内的所有增销机会,这将有助于实现收入最大化。 Attending daily operation meeting 参加每天的运营会议。 Attending all group meetings. 参与所有团队的会议。 Ensure all team members are aware of all room revenue targets and are kept informed of performance results. 确保所有团队成员都知道所有的收入目标,并保持对业绩结果的了解。 Review VIP arrival& special events. 查阅贵宾到店和特殊度假村活动。 Ensure all non-guaranteed reservations are released at the appointed time. 确保所有非担保预订在指定时间内被取消。 Adhere to the resort selling strategy by ensuring the use of correct rates. 坚持销售策略,确保使用正确的价格。 Ensure all book out situations are handled in a diplomatic and professional manner ensuring future business from respective booked out guests. 确保所有的预订都是通过专业的方式来处理,确保客人会带来更多预定。 Ensure a consistently high standard of presentation is maintained for both the department and the team members. 确保部门成员维持一致的高标准。
  • 三亚 | 3年以上 | 本科



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    Key Duties and Responsibilities 关键职责 1、Operated the platform of Wechat, Weibo, Red book and Tik Tok and compose and design the content, according to promotional demands and update them in certain routine. 根据宣传需求运营微信、微博、小红书及抖音等社交媒体平台并撰写发布内容文案、排版设计,确保按照一定的频次来更新。 2、Plan social media event and create platform functions to increase and retain followers. Follow up with supplier to design, test and launch the events and functions. 3、策划社交媒体平台线上活动和开发平台功能来促进平台粉丝的增长和留存,并对接供应商落实活动的设计、测试和应用。 Supervise messages on social media platforms, contact customers and deliver to relevant departments. 4、社交媒体平台舆论监测,及时联系客人并反映至相关部门。 Contact and retain high-quality media resources on social media platform and push on the collaboration. 5、联系并维护号于社交媒体平台上的优质媒体资源,并推进合作。
  • 三亚 | 5年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    Job Summary 职位简述 The Senior Specialist-Marine Mammals  is responsible foroverseeing the Specialist- Marine Mammals for maintaining a hygienic andhealthy living environment for all Marine mammals,Ensure that animals receiveall planned diets in accordance with planned maintenance of regular behavioralstandards and daily DPE operations,Perform daily Animal ENRICHMENTto be eligible for work on any shift, animal observation and recording,Can complete the cleaningand disinfection of animals' living environment as required, can complete thedaily interaction and performance of animals, interaction science popularizationand performance hosting work. 高级海洋动物保育专员负责监督海洋动物保育专员,参与确保所有海洋哺乳动物保持一个卫生而健康的生活环境、保证它们获得所有计划食量。按照计划进行常规行为标准的保持,日常DPE的操作,按计划进行动物丰容(ENRICHMENT),可胜任任何班次的工作内容,动物观察及记录,可按要求完成动物生活环境的清洁及消毒工作,可完成动物日常互动及表演工作,互动科普及表演主持工作 。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 Proficient in all daily operationsrelated to “Specialist- Marine Mammals”. 可熟练完成“海洋动物保育专员”的所有日常操作。 Maintenance and modification ofMarine animal behavior. 海洋动物行为的维护与修正。 Independently complete the designand training of new behaviors of Marine animals. 独立完成海洋动物新行为的设计及训练。 Serve as a trainer for the “Specialist- Marine Mammals”. 可以作为“海洋动物保育专员”的培训师。 Training on new animal medicalbehavior, new interactive performance behavior, innovative animal enrichmentprograms and training of Specialist- Marine Mammals. 动物医疗新行为的训练,互动表演新行为的训练,动物丰容项目的创新及对海洋动物保育专员的培训工作。 Make daily observations of animalsand report any abnormalities or change of normal animal behavior to necessaryManagement personnel. 每日仔细观察海洋哺乳动物的行为状况,发现异常需向管理人员报告。 Maintain a safe and sanitary workingarea and animal living conditions. 保持工作环境和海洋哺乳动物生活环境清洁、卫生、安全。 Follow SOP guidelines andinstruction for proper preparation of animal food diets. This includesextensive attention to detail for cleaning of food prep areas and food storageareas. 按照 SOP 的指导为它们准备食物;食物准备区和食品存储区要始终保持清洗干净、整洁卫生。 Maintain all exhibit equipment andarea responsibilities on daily basis. 每日都需对全部展览设备和区域进行维护、管理。 Acquire basic knowledge in animalhusbandry and training techniques through supervised structured participation,listening, observation, and reading materials provided. 积极参与有组织的活动,认真听、认真看、认真阅读相关资料,掌握海洋哺乳动物的饲养和训练基本技术。 Under close supervision, administeranimal vitamins properly.  在密切观察的基础上为它们合理补充维生素。  Maintain animal records, animalobservations and departmental notebooks. 作好观察记录、分门别类作好笔记。 Develop exceptional customer serviceskills for performing supportive roles in education and animals’ interactionprograms. 掌握卓越的客户服务技巧、增强动物训练技能、提高动物互动项目的观赏性。 Develop the ability to care andtrain the animals. 不断提高照顾、训练动物的技能。 Displays the ability to report forduty at scheduled time and in proper uniform. Must be available for any shift necessary to care for and observe theanimals. 按规定时间上班、着装符合要求。遇有轮班需随叫随到,以确保动物始终有人照料。 Maintains a sound knowledge of theCompany’s facilities and related services. 对公司的设施和相关服务要谙熟于心。 Develop a professional approach tothe career and function as a team member showing consideration, tolerance,cooperation, reliability and the ability to accept constructive criticism. 身为团队一员,需不断发展自身专业素养,要细心、宽容、肯合作、敢担当、善于接受建设性的批评意见。 Performs all duties related toanimal and guest needs as requested by management and as the department requiresregardless of time, day or location. 不管何时何地,均应按照相关管理要求和部门要求满足客人需求、切实履行照看动物的职责。 Maintain the department standard ofexcellent physical condition as needed to perform all aspects of the job safely.  Must be able to pass physical swim test on anannual basis. 负责各项工作时,身体条件均应严格达到部门所设定的标准,以确保安全无误。每年均需参加游泳测试并且需过关。 Responsible understanding andapplying all information contained in department manuals and communicationnotebooks. 部门手册和沟通笔记本中的内容需消化、掌握。 Training on new animal medicalbehavior, new interactive performance behavior, innovative animal enrichmentprograms and training of Specialist- Marine Mammals. 动物医疗新行为的训练,互动表演新行为的训练,动物丰容项目的创新及对海洋动物保育专员的培训工作。 Skills, Experience & Educational Requirements 技能、经验和教育要求 Basic knowledge of IMATA (2004)International Training Standards for Marine mammals. 掌握IMATA(2004)国际海洋哺乳动物训练标准基本知识。 Understand the range of importantindicators in Marine mammals (e.g., respiration, fecal traits, etc.). 了解海洋哺乳动物重要指标范围(如:呼吸,排泄物性状等等)。 Any swimming 50 meters, snorkelingwithout equipment 20 meters, tread water for 2 minutes, can dive into the 4meters deep pool to salvage 0.5KG lead. 任意泳姿50m,潜泳无装备20米, 踩水2分钟,可潜入4米深的水池打捞0.5KG铅块。 Possess certificate of Open WaterScuba Certification. 拥有开放水域潜水员等级证书 。 At least 6 years working experiencewith Marine mammals. 至少拥有6年以上与海洋哺乳动物工作经验。 Demonstrate the ability tocommunicate in a clear and professional manner. 能够清晰而专业的沟通。 Basic English communication skillsare required. 需要具备基础的英语沟通能力。
  • 三亚 | 5年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 工作简述  To manage existing accounts and develop new business for the resort from the wholesale markets. 维持度假区在旅游批发市场现有客户和开发新业务。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 关键职责  ▪ Based in Sanya this role is responsible for managing existing accounts and developing new accounts from the wholesale markets 维持度假区在旅游批发市场现有客户和开发新业务。  ▪ Responsible for growing and maintaining share of wholesale markets from assigned account base 负责指定旅游批发商市场份额的增长和维护。  ▪ Contracting and developing relationships with wholesalers, travel agencies, tour operators and DMCs. 与旅行批发商,旅行社,旅游经营者和地接社签订合同及发展合作关系。  ▪ Taking an entrepreneurial approach to dynamically leverage trade partnerships 运用企业的经营方法,对商业合作关系进行动态的杠杆调节。  ▪ Representing Atlantis Sanya at trade shows when required 在需要时代表三亚亚特兰蒂斯参加贸易展示会。  ▪ Be fully updated with all related sales data and sales action plans, keeping in mind budget expectations, cost of sale and ROI analysis 全面更新所有相关的销售数据和销售行动计划,同时考虑预期预算,销售成本和投资回报率分析。  ▪ Maintain awareness of current and potential markets/trends/, coordinates all activities to maintain and increase revenue through added business volume and increased rate 意识当前和潜在的市场/趋势,协调所有活动,通过增加业务量和增长率来维持和增加收益。  ▪ Procures new and repeat business for the resort by monitoring contact with: tour operators, wholesalers, travel agencies, and professional associations within local, regional and international markets. 通过与当地,区域和国际市场上的旅游经营者,旅游批发商,旅行社和专业协会进行监督联系,为度假区获得新的和重 复的业务。  ▪ Creates and implements special programs to achieve greater productivity through: 通过个人电话销售保持与旅游批发商和旅游经营者联系-至少每天三个电话销售:  o Increasing average rates 提高平均价格 o Increasing occupancy 增加入住率 o Increasing business volume during difficult periods 在困难时期增加业务量  ▪ Act as a single point of contact for each assigned account / territory 作为每个指定客户和区域的单一联系人。  ▪ Monitor & act upon market feedback to support relevant changes 监控并根据市场反馈采取行动,适应市场变化。  ▪ Communicate effectively to all sales colleagues relevant issues to own / teams accounts in order to maximize market penetration 与所有销售同事有效沟通相关事宜,拥护自己/团队客户,以最大化市场渗透。  ▪ Responsible for 100% account penetration by establishing a close working relationship at all levels within own accounts 通过建立起不同级别客户的紧密合作关系,将客户渗透率做到 100%。  ▪ Identify all sales opportunities and secure for the group 识别所有的销售机会并对其有把握。 ▪ Maintain and grow positive customer and partner relationship 维护和发展积极的客户和合作伙伴关系。  ▪ Set & meet customer/partner expectations with all accounts 坚持并满足所有客户/合作伙伴期望。  ▪ Responsible for managing all relevant KPI’s related to own accounts 负责管理与自己的帐户相关的所有相关 KPI。
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职位简述 To provide owner VIP guests with full butler services throughout the guest stay and ensuring the guest experiences through a professional and personalized service from pre-arrival departure from the resort. All preferences and requests are attended to in a courteous and efficient manner as per resort standards. 为业主VIP客人提供全方位的管家服务,让客人从到店至离店享有专业化、个性化的服务。根据酒店标准,以周到和高效的服务态度满足客人的喜好和要求。
  • 三亚 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职位简述 Assisting Manager of Business Developmentto promote and realize the brand value of Atlantis Sanya by relevant Business Developmentactivities and cooperate with external brands for win-win. 协助商务拓展经理推广亚特品牌,进行相应的品牌拓展,实现品牌价值提升,与外部品牌联合推广实现共赢。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 Organizing joint-brand activitiesand launch joint-brand production. 进行品牌联合活动,推出品牌联合产品。 Organizing activities such as pop-upshop, advertising positions, title sponsorship, etc. 开展度假区快闪店,广告位招商,场景冠名等相关活动。 Accessing the position, core value,target groups of relevant brands, and processing marketing strategiesrespectively. 评估合作品牌定位,价值,目标客群,以及指定活动所需的营销策略。 Ensure brand standards and identityare upheld in all activities (own and third party) incl. Rooms, Waterpark,Marines, F&B. 在内部和第三方的活动中保持品牌标准和形象。 Develop collaterals to supportbusiness and sub-products. 制作物料,支持各业态以及产品。 Maintain awareness of competitoractivities in market. 保持市场竞争意识。 Liaise with external agency for collateralsartwork, to seek approval from Director, Marketing & PR to ensure delivery. 联络外部机构,制作物料、图稿,向市场公关总监取得批准,以保证交付。 Abide by the contract and financialprocess of the company, assist to process the signing and payment to externalagencies. 遵照公司的合约和财务流程,协助对外部机构的合约签署和付款申请。 Assist with activities required byDirector of Marketing & PR incl ad hoc promotions, presentations. 协助市场公关总监所要求的活动,包括促销、演示等。 Skills, Experience & Educational Requirements 技能、经验和教育要求 Bachelor’s degree or above, morethan 3 years of business development experience in related industries, withcertain industry resources. Have a good cooperative relationship with operators. 本科以上学历,3年以上相关行业商务拓展经验,具有一定的行业资源,有良好的运营商合作关系。 With high comprehension of marketingstrategies and relevant experiences such as brand packing, marketing integration,etc. 熟悉品牌营销策略,有品牌包装、营销整合或者招商经验。 Proficient in the use of Officesoftware, especially the use of PPT and other necessary business tools,excellent program presentation skills and writing skills. 熟练使用Office办公软件,特别是PPT等商务必备工具的使用,优良的方案演示能力和撰写能力。 Excellent interpersonalcommunication and coordination skills. 具备优秀的人际沟通协调能力。 Have keen market perception, theability to grasp market dynamics and market direction. 具有敏锐的市场感知、把握市场动态和市场方向的能力。
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职位简述 To provide owner VIP guests with full butler services throughout the guest stay and ensuring the guest experiences through a professional and personalized service from pre-arrival departure from the resort. All preferences and requests are attended to in a courteous and efficient manner as per resort standards. 为业主VIP客人提供全方位的管家服务,让客人从到店至离店享有专业化、个性化的服务。根据酒店标准,以周到和高效的服务态度满足客人的喜好和要求。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 Responsible for assigned luxury suite occupant, anticipating guest preference and needs throughout the guest stay 负责服务指定奢华套房的客人,在客人入住期间,预见客人的喜好和需求。 Ensure all data and preferences of the guest is retrieved prior to arrival, when required contact guest’s assistant or other to collect further information. 确保在客人入住前获取客人的喜好信息及数据,如有必要,可以联系客人的助理或他人收集更多的信息。 Ensure the suite is prepared and ready as per guest preference prior to arrival. 确保在客人入住前已经根据客人的喜好精心地将套房准备好。 Greet the luxury suite guest at the Porte Cochere, extending a warm and personalized welcome and escort the guest directly to the suite. 在车道门口为奢华套房的客人提供热情、个性化的欢迎仪式,陪同客人前往套房。 Carry out in-room check in. 房内办理入住手续。 Attend to guest luggage and belongings as per guest preference in un packing storage and other. 根据客人的喜好整理好客人的行李。 Handle and prepare guest dry cleaning or laundry as per guest requests 根据客人的要求处理衣物干洗或将衣物送至洗衣房清洗。 Ensure all guest preferences and requests are noted and communicated to the rest of the butler team ensuring all butlers are able to carry out personalized service to the guest throughout the stay 将客人的喜好和要求在管家团队中进行分享,确保每位管家能够在客人住店期间为客人提供个性化服务。 Anticipate guest needs throughout the day. 在客人住店期间,预见客人需求。
  • 三亚 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职位简述 To execute and to assist the F&B Division in managingtrainings and development function of the department ensuring that all,service and performance targets are achieved. 执行并协助餐饮部管理部门的培训和发展职能,确保所有服务和绩效目标得以实现。  Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 §Identifies departmental training needs and coordinate improvementplans with departmental trainers 确定各部门的培训需求与部门培训师协调改进计划。 §To facilitate customer service, supervisory and skills trainingworkshops 方便客户服务,管理和技能培训的学习。 §Attend daily Food & Beverage operations meeting and share necessaryinformation of training and development of colleagues 参加日常会议室的操作和分享同事的培训和发展必要的信息 §Monitor and ensure that departmental trainings are conductedconsistently. 监控并确保部门进行持续培训。 §Manage and assist cross training initiatives within Food &Beverage 在餐饮部管理和协助交叉培训计划 §Assist and prepare training plans for Internship, managementtrainees and new joiners program within Food & Beverage Division 协助并准备管理培训及新员工的培训计划 §Manage and facilitate departmental trainings for the Food &Beverage Division 管理和协助餐饮部的部门培训 § Facilitate delivery of training programs as required by Learning andDevelopment of Atlantis Sanya 由三亚亚特兰蒂斯学习和发展部来促进培训项目。 § Ensures and monitor that monthly on the job trainings are in placed ineach area of the Food & Beverage Division. 保证和监控,按部门的要求每月对岗位培训分区。 § Assigns and nominate management colleagues for off the job trainings asper requirement of Atlantis Sanya 根据三亚亚特兰蒂斯的要求,指定管理人员进行工作培训 § Ensure departmental training targets are monitored and achieved aligningwith resort training targets 确保部门培训目标得到监控,并达到与度假培训目标相一致的水平  § Coordinatewith Learning & Development to ensure consistency of trainings in the Food& Beverage Division of Atlantis Sanya 与学习与发展协调,确保亚特兰蒂斯酒店餐饮部培训的一致性 § Utilize all development plans from Individual Performance Appraisalsthat individual team members’ requirements are achieved and that individual anddepartmental goals are followed through. 利用个人绩效评估的所有发展计划,个别团队成员的需求达到了,个人和部门的目标同时实现。 § Conducts audit and assessment to individual team members related totraining needs and analysis. Assessments must follow LQA/IFH Mystery Shopperstandards 进行审计和评估团队成员个人相关的培训需求分析。评估必须遵循 LQA/神秘顾客的标准. § Conduct andfacilitate internal colleagues surveys for Food & Beverage Division allyear round to ensure it aligns with annual ‘CES’ 对公司内部餐饮部员工进行全年的调查,以确保其与每年的“CES”保持一致 § Ensures that all employees are fully conversant and product knowledge isup to date with the hotels facilities and services. 确保所有员工完全熟悉产品知识是最新的酒店设施和服务。 § Conduct a monthly product knowledge tests to maintain colleagues productknowledge levels 每月给同事进行产品知识测试。 § Assist Departmental Trainers in their development and monitors theeffectiveness of their trainings 协助部门培训师发展并监督他们的培训效果 § Assist,Formulate and Implements Quality Core Processes within Food & Beverage suchas formulating necessary Standards and Procedure required by the business. 协助、制定和实施内部的质量核心流程,如制定业务所需的标准和程序。 § Ensures and verifies that guests are receiving the best possible serviceavailable within the Front of House Operations that employees projectprofessionalism and are well trained and provide friendly and efficientservice, maintaining an atmosphere of tranquility. 确保并确认客人正在接受最有效的服务,在他们的工作前,员工们都是专业的,受过良好的培训,提供友好和高效的服务,保持一种安静的氛围 § Verifies constantlythat the physical product in all aspects is consistent with the hotelstandards. 不断地验证所有方面的产品是否符合酒店的标准。 § Ensures that all policies and procedure in regards to staff appearance,hygiene and sanitation are enforced. 确保所有有关人员外表、卫生和环境卫生的政策和程序都得到执行 § Handles Food& Beverage Operational issues whenever required, including Resort &Avenue outlets, ensuring guest satisfaction at all time. 在需要的时候处理餐饮部运营问题,包括酒店主楼及美食大道的所有餐饮点,确保客人的满意
  • 三亚 | 8年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Responsible for managing and supervising all areas of the spa, including its programs, services, hours of operation, facilities and staff. Coordinates the delivery of spa services, including salon, skin care, massage, program coordinating, reservations, reception desk and locker room areas. As a department head, directs and works with the management team and hourly associates to successfully execute all spa operations. Strives to continually improve guest and associate satisfaction and maximize the financial performance of the department. 负责管理和监督水疗中心的各个方面,包括项目,服务,营业时间,设施和人员。 协调提供水疗服务,包括沙龙,护肤, 按摩,程序,预订,接待台和更衣室。 作为部门负责人,需要指导并管理团队成功执行所有水疗运作。 努力不断提高客户和员工满意度,最大限度地提高部门的财务绩效。
  • 三亚 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职位简述 To assist Owner’s Representative to plan, organize and guide all process of  owner office to ensure a memorable arrival & departure experiences as well as quality reception service that is consistent with SOPs. 协助业主代表计划、组织和指导业主方的工作,确保为业主方客人提供难忘的体验以及根据标准运营程序提供高质量的接待服务。
  • 三亚 | 8年以上 | 中技 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    现招聘零点厨房副厨师长一名(米其林/黑珍珠背景优先); Job Summary 职位简述 He/she will assist the Chef De Cuisine to lead, manage, and organize all requirements to the highest standards and in accordance with the standard operating procedures as implemented by the Executive Chef. He/she will ensure proper hygiene and sanitation in the workplace under his jurisdiction, adequate stocks of food supply, inter-department coordination, and training. He/she will carry the full responsibility of the operating equipment including its inventory levels. He/she must ensure to maintain the resort food cost at all times. He/she will ensure and enforce the set service standard procedures by directing, supervising, and motivating staff to perform to the highest level of service. He/she will communicate with the guests and share feedback with the chef in charge and the management. The feedbacks then will ensure high levels of food and service quality and guest satisfaction are maintained at all times. He/she will abide by the instructions and laws issued by the Chinese authorities, the HACCP requirement, and the company’s set standards whichever is higher in connection to food handling, hygiene, and food storage. 根据总厨批准的标准操作流程来协助厨师长领导、管理并组织本厨房的工作。管理本厨房员工严格遵守厨房食品安全卫生程序,务必做到能同部门内部高效沟通并参与培训。对本厨房的设施设备负有全部责任,包括对其的盘点。确保时刻控制食品成本,通过指导、监督和激励本厨房员工来将服务质量提升至最高水平。与客人交流并向当班厨房负责人及管理层反馈客人意见,该反馈意见会不断提高食品及服务质量和顾客满意度。关于食品操作、卫生及储存等问题必须遵守中国法律法规、食品卫生安全要求及酒店相关规定。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 To ensure that the quality levels of kitchen production and presentation are maintained at their highest level at all times. 确保厨房食品质量及出品时刻保持最高水准 To ensure that the kitchen and working areas are thoroughly clean at all times. 确保厨房及工作区域时刻保持洁净 To presents oneself in a way that enhances the overall guest experience, by adding life and energy into each outlet. 通过自己的努力,使各餐厅充满活力和激情,以此提高客人的总体满意度 To ensures that all mise en place is correctly prepared prior to commencement of service. 确保在开始营业前,所有的食品材料都已正确准备好
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职位简述 To ensure the daily reception desk operation is prepared and assisted in order to ensure no guest’s demand gets delay due to foreseen requirements. Through preparation and control of collected guest information, ensures that guest arrivals and departures are as efficient and courteous as possible. The team leader is also the main communication with housekeeping and the call center when requests are carried out. 确保每日前台运作准备充分和得到应有的协助,以确保及时满足客人可预期的需求。通过准备和收集到的客人信息,前台主管要确 保客人的到店和离店都高效顺畅。在于客房部和总机的沟通中,前台主管也扮演着重要角色。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 Adhere to all Resort rules and regulations as per Service Standard Policies and procedures, and follow all communications briefed by the RAM/FOM. 根据服务标准的政策和程序,遵守所有的旅游规则和规定,并跟进 RAM/FOM 在例会上交代的事项。 Attend to duty timely and wearing the correct uniform, name badge and well groomed. 准时上班,穿着正确的制服,佩戴名牌,精心打扮。 Attend to duty timely and efficient manner as per resort standards. 按照度假村标准,按时、高效地履行职责。 Skills, Experience & Educational Requirements 技能、经验和教育要求 ▪ Communication – Understand basic English and Speak Fluent Mandarin ▪ 沟通-了解基本的英文和讲流利的普通话 ▪ Previous experience would be advantageous ▪ 有相关工作经验者优先 ▪ Strong interpersonal skills ▪ 有较强的人际交往能力
  • 三亚 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    现招聘: 管道维修(机修)主管一名,要求持电焊证、熟练电脑操作技能。 主要义务和职责 ▪ Strong knowledge in sanitary & plumbing installation ▪ 精通卫生管道卫生 ▪ Should have skills in repairing and maintenance of all plumbing installations at luxurious villas, high raise bldg, hotel, commercial Bldg or Banks ▪ 具备修理和维护豪华别墅、高建筑,酒店,商业银行内的所有管道安装的能力 ▪ Maintenance planning and schedule ▪ 制定维护计划和进度跟踪 ▪ Effective routine and maintenance ▪ 高效的日常工作和日常维护. ▪ Inspection and supervision. ▪ 负责日常检查和监督 ▪ He is to carry out Engineering Policy as laid down. ▪ 履行工程政策相关规定 ▪ He is to advise the Manager/VP/Director of day to day problems. ▪ 协助经理/VP/总监处理日常问题 ▪ Attend to all hazard notices. ▪ 参加酒店内所有危险告示的通知 ▪ To maintain the efficiency of all services and to take necessary corrective action where below results are below standards. ▪ 保证所有服务的效率,采取必要的纠正措施 ▪ Ordering of materials and Responding to help desk ▪ 负责订购材料和协助服务台工作 ▪ Delegating of job orders ▪ 委派分发工作订单 ▪ Assist in monthly schedules ▪ 协助月度计划 ▪ Work in and facilitate a team-oriented environment. ▪ 融入并创造好的团队合作氛围 ▪ Strong assessment and troubleshooting skills. ▪ 具备风险评估能力 ▪ Must perform shift coverage as requested to do so. ▪ 按要求履行倒班政策 ▪ To be fully aware and carry out healthy and safe practices at all times ▪ 工作期间严格执行健康安全标准的规章制度. ▪ Should be aware about the company HSE procedure. ▪ 熟知了解公司的 HSE 制度 ▪ Should train the operatives and brief HSE procedures on monthly basis. ▪ 按月度培训员工有关公司的 HSE 制度知识 ▪ To be able to send for training as and when required ▪ 需要时可参加相应培训. ▪ Performs incidental related duties as assigned. ▪ 履行所签署的岗位职责 ▪ Other duties as allocated. ▪ 接受领导分配的其他任务
  • 三亚 | 经验不限 | 硕士 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    招聘需求人数:1人 餐饮管培生1人 一、项目介绍 管培生项目为24个月,前6个月在三亚·亚特兰蒂斯度假区各部门轮岗,熟悉及了解各部门工作细则和流程。后18个月由上海复星集团分配轮岗岗位,每六个月一次轮岗,将会有机会前往复星集团旗下海外产业进行轮岗。此项目主要目的是培养管培生成为重点人才,未来成为一线管理者。 1、深度参与部门的运作过程及决策制定; 2、承担一定的工作任务并推动达成; 3、对日常工作流程中出现的问题,提出改善建议,提升工作效率; 4、在现有产品基础上,不断创新,持续迭代。 二、岗位要求 1、国内外知名院校2024届应届毕业生本科及以上学历,倾向理工类专业及酒店旅游类专业。 2、对事物有探索和钻研精神,愿意接受具有挑战性的任务。 3、具有良好的问题分析和总结能力,逻辑思考能力及独立思考和判断能力并具有国际化视野。 4、有较好的沟通协调能力、书面表达能力和演讲表达能力强,能熟练使用英文作为工作语言。 5、对文旅酒店行业了解并热爱此行业。 三、福利待遇 1、入职即享有资深主管级别待遇。 2、学习多方位的在线课程及与人力资源总监一对一面谈指导。 3、包食宿,宿舍配套免费员工餐厅(一日三餐,酒店一日四餐),免费健身房。 4、上下班往返酒店免费接送班车。 5、每人每年水族馆、水世界、C秀门票各四张。 四、招聘流程 投递简历→简历初筛(如初筛通过,会在五个工作日内联系)→初试(人力资源部)→复试(部门负责人、总裁)→发送Offer 具体面试时间和形式以电话/企业微信信息通知为准。
  • 三亚 | 2年以上 | 中专



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    Job Responsibilities  岗位职责 1. Supervise and coordinate all staff to ensure that customers receive prompt and courteous service and that all operational areas are operated following resort hotel standards and procedures. 1.监督和协调所有的员工,确保顾客收到及时、周到的服务,并且所有的营运区域按照度假酒店标准和程序运营。 2. Oversee the daily planning of housekeeping and special events to ensure that all rooms and corridors are cleaned to resort standards. 2.监督大清及特殊事物的日常计划安排,确保所有房间和走廊的清洁符合度假酒店标准。 3.Monitor the use of room spares and consumables within manageable costs. 3.监控客房备品和易耗品的使用量处于可控成本内。 4.Overall responsibility for the allocation of work to room service staff. 4.全面负责客房服务员的工作分配。 5. Be fully trained in housekeeping tasks and procedures and be able to assist the logistician and housekeeping staff where required. 5.有关客房工作任务和操作程序接受过全面培训,在需要的情况下能够协助物流员和客房服务员。 Job Requirements  岗位要求 1.Secondary school education or above. 1.中专以上学历。 2. At least 2 years' experience in-room service. 2.有2年以上客房工作经验。 3. Physically fit. 3.身体健康。
  • 三亚 | 3年以上 | 本科 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    岗位职责 Ensures all correspondences, faxes, messages, emails are responded in a timely manner / disseminated accordingly. 确保所有的往来函件、传真、信息、邮件能及时得到回应/传达 Attend phone calls from guest and respond to the emails received from guest and concerned individuals in a timely manner. 参与并及时对来自客人或相关人员的电话和邮件予以反馈 Assists the head of department as and when required on a day to day basis. 日常协助部门领导的工作 Handles all appointments and keeps track of head of department daily schedule and engagements. 处理并跟进部门领导日常日程的安排和活动 Maintains office supplies inventory by checking stock to determine inventory level; anticipating needed supplies; evaluating new office products; placing and expediting orders for supplies; verifying receipt of supplies. 通过检查库存来确定库存量来保证办公用品库存;预估所需的用品;评估新办公用品;放置并加快用品的订单;验证物品的收货 Co-ordinates with colleagues and representatives of other departments to ensure an efficient flow of communication. 与员工们及其他部门的代表协调,确保沟通的有效 Routine filing of documents in an organized manner. 有序有规律的存储好文档文件 岗位要求 Good written and oral communication skills inEnglish 优秀的英语沟通技巧-口语与书写流利 Experience MS Office, including Word, Excel,PowerPoint and Outlook 熟练操作办公软件,Word Excel PowerPoint 和 Outlook Organizational skills, advanced communication andwriting skills 有良好的组织能力沟通能力和书写能力
  • 三亚 | 经验不限 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
    • 收藏
    • 投递简历
    To provide an efficient Reception service to all guests, offering information and giving particular attention to all guest special requirements. Ensuring all check-ins and check-outs run smoothly and that all cashiering transactions and processed promptly and correctly both during the day and night. Also, offering a more personalized service with the same concepts mentioned earlier but on an Executive level. 为所有客人提供有效的接待服务,提供信息,特别关注客人的特殊要求。确保所有客人办理入住和退房顺利,所有出纳事务和处理及时和正确。此外,提供更个性化的服务更好服务客人。
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 职位简述 To provide owner VIP guests with full butler services throughout the guest stay and ensuring the guest experiences through a professional and personalized service from pre-arrival departure from the resort. All preferences and requests are attended to in a courteous and efficient manner as per resort standards. 为业主VIP客人提供全方位的管家服务,让客人从到店至离店享有专业化、个性化的服务。根据酒店标准,以周到和高效的服务态度满足客人的喜好和要求。 Key Duties and Responsibilities 主要义务和职责 Responsible for assigned luxury suite occupant, anticipating guest preference and needs throughout the guest stay 负责服务指定奢华套房的客人,在客人入住期间,预见客人的喜好和需求。 Ensure all data and preferences of the guest is retrieved prior to arrival, when required contact guest’s assistant or other to collect further information. 确保在客人入住前获取客人的喜好信息及数据,如有必要,可以联系客人的助理或他人收集更多的信息。 Ensure the suite is prepared and ready as per guest preference prior to arrival. 确保在客人入住前已经根据客人的喜好精心地将套房准备好。 Greet the luxury suite guest at the Porte Cochere, extending a warm and personalized welcome and escort the guest directly to the suite. 在车道门口为奢华套房的客人提供热情、个性化的欢迎仪式,陪同客人前往套房。 Carry out in-room check in. 房内办理入住手续。 Attend to guest luggage and belongings as per guest preference in un packing storage and other. 根据客人的喜好整理好客人的行李。 Handle and prepare guest dry cleaning or laundry as per guest requests 根据客人的要求处理衣物干洗或将衣物送至洗衣房清洗。 Ensure all guest preferences and requests are noted and communicated to the rest of the butler team ensuring all butlers are able to carry out personalized service to the guest throughout the stay 将客人的喜好和要求在管家团队中进行分享,确保每位管家能够在客人住店期间为客人提供个性化服务。 Anticipate guest needs throughout the day. 在客人住店期间,预见客人需求。
  • 三亚 | 1年以上 | 中技 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    • 投递简历
    Job Responsibilities  岗位职责 1. Responsible for the repair and maintenance of air conditioning and refrigeration equipment in the hotel. 1.负责酒店的空调、制冷设备维修及维护。 2. To be responsible for the maintenance, servicing, repair, and management of equipment such as power substation and distribution, lighting, power supply, and generator sets to ensure the normal operation of the equipment system. 2. 负责变配电、照明、动力供电、发电机组等设备的维护、保养、维修和管理工作,确保设备系统正常运行。 3. Manage the transformer room and equipment, high and low voltage distribution room and equipment, generator room, and equipment to keep them in good operating condition. 3. 管好变压器房及设备、高低压配电房及设备、发电机房及设备,使其处于良好的运行状态。 4. Be familiar with and understand the company's HSE system. 4. 熟知了解公司的HSE制度。 5. Fulfil the shifting policy as required. 5. 按要求履行倒班政策。 Job Requirements  岗位要求 1. Have an induction certificate for air conditioning, refrigeration equipment, and high voltage electricians. 1.具有空调、制冷设备、高压电工上岗操作证. 2.Engaged in maintenance work for more than 1 year have a strong sense of responsibility and commitment, work conscientiously and responsibly, and to business excellence, with strong analytical ability and hands-on ability. Be able to bear hardships and work hard, not afraid of being dirty and tired. 2.从事维修工作1年以上有强烈的责任感和事业心,工作认真负责,且对业务经理精益求精,具有较强的分析能力和动手能力。在工作中能吃苦耐劳,不怕脏,不怕累。 3. Physically healthy and energetic. 3.身体健康,精力充沛。
  • 三亚 | 3年以上 | 学历不限 | 提供食宿



    • 包吃包住
    • 管理规范
    • 人性化管理
    • 领导好
    • 带薪年假
    • 节日礼物
    • 五险一金
    • 岗位晋升
    • 技能培训
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 10-16
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    • 投递简历
    Job Summary 工作职能总结 Assist the Restaurant Manager/Assistant Manager to plan, organize and direct all processes of the outlet to ensure the outlet provides quality Food and Beverage service that is consistent with the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and achieves maximum revenue and profit in line with the budget and forecast. 协助餐厅经理/副经理计划、组织和指导餐厅的所有流程,确保餐厅提供符合标准操作程序的优质餐饮服务,可以实现预算和预测最大的利润. Key Duties and Responsibilities 关键角色和职责 Adheres to standards and procedures within his operation and ensures that all colleagues activities support the Atlantis Quality Standards 遵守运作岗位上的标准和程序,并确保所有的同事都遵守与支持亚特兰蒂斯的质量标准。 Provides hands-on support and assistance to colleagues to ensure the highest levels of dining service and courtesy are provided to guests. 亲自实践支持与帮助同事确保证为客人提供最高水平的服务。 Follows the sequence of service ensuring every step is covered to provide guests with the best dining experience possible. 遵循服务的顺序以确保为客人提供最佳就餐体验。 招聘需求: 零点餐厅资深主管 1名 中餐厅主管 3名
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