1.Enhances guest recognition at all times byaddressing guests by name and interacting with them on a professional level. 任何时候都要以客人的名字称呼客人, 用专业的水平和客人交流。2.Always offers an alternative if a requestedservice is unavailable. 在某些项目不允许的情况下要给客人提供多重选择。3.Always visible to guests by being present atthe reception desk. 当客人出现在前台时要在第一时间内察觉, 并给予专业服务。4.Be fully conversant with Banyan Tree Spaservices and facilities in order to be able to make helpful recommendations, and to be able to up-sell Spaservices and Spa products. 对于悦榕庄水疗的各种服务项目和设施设备要熟记于心, 便于随时对服务和产品进行升级销售。5.Answers telephone calls in a professional,courteous and polite manner in accordance with hotel’s standards. 按照酒店的规定,专业,客气,有礼貌的接听来电。6.Accepts and accurately record all guestbookings for Spa services in accordance with departmental procedures. 按照本部门的程序,接受和准确的为客人预定。7.Ensure that all cashiering functions arecarried out in accordance with hotel’s accounting procedures. 确保所有的出纳运作都与酒店财务部的操作程序保持一致。8.Accepts responsibility for, and to showinitiative in decision making when handling minor guest objections, in order to enhance guest satisfaction. 承担责任, 在处理一些客人的要求时要表现出果断的判断力,以提高客人的满意度。9.Refers major guest objections to immediatesuperior to prevent further guest dissatisfaction. 针对一些重要客人对我们工作的反对或不理解时,及时上报上级以免增加客人的不满意感。10.Maintainand promote an atmosphere of tranquility and peace in spa areas at all time. 任何时候都要去维持和提审SPA区域宁静,和谐的环境氛围。12.Maintaingood coordination with Therapist to ensure smooth execution of services. 保持与理疗师的良好协作, 使工作顺利开展。