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  • 北京 | 5年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 500-999人
    发布于 09:53
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    【岗位职责】 1、负责健身中心的日常运营管理工作,包括制定排班表、安排员工工作、制定规章制度等。 2、监督员工执行规章制度和服务程序,确保服务质量。 3、带领团队完成月度销售目标,制定并执行销售策略。 4、开发并执行有效的会员营销及考核策略,提高会员满意度和续费率。 5、建立合理的教练团队结构与培养机制,保证团队的稳定和发展。 6、维护与会员的良好关系,定期回访客户,提高客户满意度。 7、处理会员投诉和反馈问题,确保会员权益得到保障。 【岗位要求】 1、拥有相关专业学历或管理培训课程背景。 2、具备丰富的健身中心管理经验,熟悉健身俱乐部运营流程。 3、有优秀的团队组织能力和业绩开拓能力。 4、熟悉健身工房各类器械的使用和保养。 5、具备优秀的沟通协调能力和应变能力。 6、热爱健身事业,愿意长期在健身行业工作。 7、可接受2025年春节后入职。
  • 澳门 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    国内高端酒店/5星级 | 2000人以上
    发布于 13:23
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    岗位职责: 1. 负责SPA中心的电话预订、接待、回访细节工作。提供五星级酒店服务水平给每一位尊享贵宾; 2. 协助经理完成制作每月销售任务图表,以及执行完成每月理疗疗程销售目标和产品零售目标; 3. 注重与上级和理疗师之间在沟通和合作,合理安排接待贵宾。负责日常用品的管理,保证硬件环境安全清洁和充足。 岗位要求: 1. 大专以上文化程度,流利的粤语、普通话及良好的英语口语; 2. 性格开朗、头脑灵活、工作踏实,具有较强的服务意识和责任感; 3. 具有品牌酒店宾客服务经验优先考虑; 4. 形象气质佳; 5. 可接受轮班。
  • 教练

    苏州 | 2年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    • 午餐补贴
    健身中心/运动场馆/瑜伽 | 50-99人
    发布于 01-04
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    招聘:蹦床教练、滑板教练、体适能教练等(上6休1)... 岗位职责:  1、负责课程的教学及专业技术的培训与规划; 2、负责教学方案的探索与研究,积累教学案例,提高教学质量; 3、针对学员的特点与个性进行有效的备课与辅导; 4、参与门店宣传推广活动、市场招生活动,包括但不局限于机构合作、大众点评、有赞、地推采单、电话呼出等 5、完成上级领导交办的其他工作。 岗位要求: 1、有零售服务业、体育行业、游乐场等相关行业工作经验,尤其喜爱运动,乐于分享快乐; 2、具有较强的服务意识,以顾客服务为导向,执行力强; 3、有教练从业经验,有赛事相关证书优先。
  • 救生员 Lifeguard

    大连 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    • 带薪年假
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 08:22
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    The Four Seasons Hotel Dalian is looking for talent who shares a passion for excellence and who infuse enthusiasm into everything they do. 大连四季正在寻找你 - 对工作具有极大的热情,热爱你所从事的职业。 About Four Seasons  关于四季酒店 We have chosen to specialize within the hospitality industry by offering only experiences of exceptional quality. Our objective is to be recognized as the company that manages the finest hotels, resorts, and residence clubs wherever we locate. We create properties of enduring value using superior design and finishes and support them with a deeply instilled ethic of personal service. Doing so allows Four Seasons to satisfy the needs and tastes of our discerning customers, and to maintain our position as the world's premier luxury hospitality company. We succeed when every decision is based on a clear understanding of and belief in what we do, and when we couple this conviction with sound financial planning. We expect to achieve a fair and reasonable profit to ensure the prosperity of the company and to offer long-term benefits to our hotel owners, our customers, and our employees. We demonstrate our beliefs most meaningfully in the way we treat each other and by the example we set for one another. In all our interactions with our guests, customers, business associates and colleagues, we seek to deal with others as we would have them deal with us. 我们对酒店服务心无旁骛,矢志不渝,并以高品质为重。无论我们的酒店、度假酒店、及住宅俱乐部坐落在何处,目标都是成为举世公认的最佳酒店管理集团,且盈利可观。要达到这种卓越的成绩,必须在各方面都超越群伦。我们所创建的酒店,在设计及选料方面,均属无上之选,务求能够满足客人的高贵品味和严格要求,同时保持豪华酒店的优质崇高地位。 我们的成功,有赖于清楚认定我们对每件事的信念,并与有效的财政计划相互配合。我们预计能为酒店带来合理的利润,确保业绩蒸蒸日上,并为股东、客人及员工谋求长远的利益。 我们将四季酒店的信念,通过彼此互敬互重及互相建立榜样,切实地具体表现出来。我们所坚持的价值观或原则,正是我们如何善待客人、商业伙伴及同事。 About Four Seasons Dalian  关于大连四季酒店 The Four Seasons Hotel Dalian boasts a prime location, situated at the heart of Renmin Road and the core of the Donggang Business District. It’s this history that inspired the NBBJ Shanghai-designed building’s interiors by acclaimed international firm Hirsch Bedner Associates of Singapore. The design concept for Four Seasons Hotel Dalian draws inspiration from the rich historical of the city, particularly its deep-rooted connection with trains and the romantic allure associated with Dalian. Artfully designed rooms that offer a brand of comfort and cutting-edge technology, capturing both the city’s magnificent skyline and the stunning ocean vistas. The interiors of the hotel’s signature restaurants were conceived by Tokyo-based Strickland, which drew inspiration directly from the city’s history and culture to create authentic and unforgettable experience. A distinguished collection of six restaurants and bars, including Cantonese delicacies, Western fare, Japanese cuisine, specialty bars, lounges, and a deli shop. With top-notch chefs and exceptional ingredients, we create an unparalleled fine dining experience that lingers in memory. 大连四季酒店地理位置优越,坐落于人民路东港商务区中心地带,眺望海景和港口景色,是东港商务区核心所在。 NBBJ操刀设计的大楼内,新加坡著名的Hirsch Bedner Associates公司由城市悠久历史中汲取灵感进行室内设计,尤其是与火车密不可分的深厚渊源以及这座城市本身的浪漫情怀。 每间客房都是巧思设计之作,融合了舒适与前沿技术,不仅捕捉了城市壮观的天际线,更有绚烂的海景尽收眼底。 酒店特色餐厅的内部设计由东京知名工作室Strickland操刀,其灵感直接来源于当地历史文化,旨在打造真实而难忘的体验。 六个餐厅和酒吧构成了独特的美食合集,包括粤式菜肴、西餐、日本料理、威士忌、大堂吧和甜品坊。凭借顶级大厨和卓越食材,为宾客打造一种无与伦比的高级餐饮体验,让人回味无穷。 Key Responsibilities  主要工作职责 1.Responsible for safety and well-being of guests and security of surrounding area. 2.Responsible for the upkeep and general cleaning of the pool. 3.Enforce pool regulations. 1. 负责客人安全及健康, 并保障泳池及周边区域安全。 2. 负责泳池的整体清洁及维护。 3. 执行泳池管理规定。 Preferred Skill and Qualification  任职要求 1.College graduate or Certificate 2. Intermediate English ability. 3.One year or above related experience. 4.Local Lifeguard Certificate. 1.大专及以上学历。 2.中等英语能力。 3.一年以上相关工作经历。 4.具有本地的救生员证。 Learn more about what it is like to work at Four Seasons – Visit us: 想要了解更多,请登录以下网站并关注我们: 四季酒店官网职业机会:http://jobs.fourseasons.com/
  • 宝鸡 | 1年以上 | 大专 | 食宿面议



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    • 带薪年假
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    • 技能培训
    • 出国旅游
    国际高端酒店/5星级 | 100-499人
    发布于 2024-12-31
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    1. Strictly implement the rules and regulations of the SPA and relevant post regulations, work pragmatically and establish the idea of serving the guests. 严格执行温泉中心的规章制度和相关岗位规定,实事求是,树立为客人服务的理念。 2. Work on time, stick to the post, ask for leave in advance, do not leave the post without permission, do not leave the post without permission, find someone to replace the post, do not leave the post empty or miss the post. 按时上岗,坚守工作岗位,有事必须事先请假,不得擅离职守,不得私自串岗、找人顶岗、不得空岗、漏岗。 3. In case of any guest violating the system, we should insist on reasoning education, actively publicize the use standard of SPA for uncivilized or dangerous behaviors, strive to persuade them, and report them in time if the dissuasion is invalid. 发现违反制度的客人,应坚持说理教育,对不文明或危险的行为要积极宣传温泉使用规范,力争规劝,劝阻无效及时上报。 4. Master the life-saving technology (be able to be independent in water watching, towing, artificial respiration, etc.) and provide convenient conditions for handling all kinds of emergencies. 掌握救生技术(在巡视、拖带、人工呼吸等方面能独当一面),对各类突发事件的处理提供方便条件。 5. Do a good job in publicity and safety prevention, prevent the occurrence of public security disasters and accidents, cooperate with the waiters in the SPA area to purify the pool water and keep the pool clean, and do a good job before and after the opening of the pool. 救生员上岗,防止治安灾害事故的发生,协同温泉区服务员池水净化,池边保洁工作,做好泡池开放前后的各项工作。
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